Well, I've been waiting until I have a picture:
Not having a working camera at the moment, I drove to a friend's house, and he took the picture and emailed it to me. That's why it's cropped from portrait view and the back is cut off.
Long story short, just like the Dasher was, this is a mechanic's loaner I drove ~10 years ago. When it came up for sale, I started making payments. As soon as I'd paid half down, I convinced him to let me park the Superbeetle where it had set.
First thing I noticed was none of my three roof racks will work. As soon as I washed it (first time in ??? years) I found the windshield is cracked from top to bottom on the passenger side. The good news is it can't propagate any further.
I took the dashcam I couldn't use in the Superbeetle out to it — no cigar lighter in this one either.
The only other thing I've planned other than driving it is black plastidip from the body crease down (maybe a Larry Watson panel), LED dome light, Quartz Halogen H-4s.
People might eventually bug me about why it doesn't have a Kammback or boat tail yet. One reason is I've seen this:
I've always liked bubble-top coupes.
I took it to a locksmith to get duplicate keys and while he was fishing a broken-off half key out of the rear hatch, he grumbled "Every time I looked for a Metro nobody was letting go of an XFi". There is still a half key broken off in the ignition, but the new key still works it just doesn't fall out on the floor while I'm driving like the old one.
Any suggestions? Glue stick? Vacuum?
I have a Dish antenna marked for cutting in halves for the eventual fender skirts.