Thread: MPG aids
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Old 10-30-2020, 08:19 AM   #1 (permalink)
Charlie Cheap
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MPG aids

Back in 1975 we bought a Ford Pinto with the V6 engine and automatic. In the dash was a light that got brighter as the MPG improved, that was actually a simple vacuum gauge. This was shortly after the 1973 oil embargo. For years I have had a vacuum gauge mounted in my dash for that very purpose. Manifold vacuum is a great way to keep your foot from wasting gasoline. Driving while keeping the vacuum as high as possible is an easy/cheap way to save gas. Trying to get as much economy out of my 2.3 is priority one, and I already have a vacuum gauge I will put directly in front of the driver. I am sure most on this site already know this but it never hurts to restate easy fixes.

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