Pointing out a serious character flaw that many people could have isn't a character assassination attempt. People are capable of not being myopic if they are willing to hold two thoughts in their head at once. I'm merely presenting that option for those wishing not to be myopic. Can't help the willfully myopic though.
Regarding homicide, you think that's a credible claim based on;
"cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint and neck compression."
Did the coroner find an imprint of a police badge on floyd to determine he was restrained by police with a knee to the neck?
That's a sloppy "finding" if I ever saw one. I'm surprised the coroner didn't find that racism caused Floyd's death.
I expect the trials to be more revealing. Our cities will burn again because that's what happens when pitchfork mobs looking for an excuse to destroy are given any excuse at all and not opposed by the law enforcement paid to protect life and property.
Last edited by redpoint5; 10-30-2020 at 02:46 PM..