I let it discharge longer, by an hour, which meant it also got an hour less charge time before I got to check in on it...dropped down to 95V, was 168v when I checked on it...170 is fully charged, in theory. Gives me a better idea on capacity than getting home and not knowing when it hit 170.
Had over an hour since then, only up to 169. The longer, the better...unless I lost a cell!
Hmm. Do I discharge even farther next time? Do I leave it on charge for 24 hours, like some very unscientific guys recommend? (I'd feel better about that if I limited the current to like 50ma)
Life changing decisions!
Charge-line is now bi-directional. No more janky alligator clips!
Last edited by Stubby79; 10-31-2020 at 04:12 PM..