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Old 11-01-2020, 01:59 AM   #218 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
Water injection alone may not have been able to lower the NOx and soot to insanely all but non existent levels the EPA was demanding.
Sure it could eventually not be the ultimate answer to the NOx issue, for which using it alongside EGR could fare better. Well, considering how it could decrease the usage of Diesel fuel for a given output as it leads to a more complete burn, a soot decrease could be easily expected under normal circumstances.

Main problem with water injection is everything freezes and bursts. The DEF never really fully freezes it turns into a slush mix and as far as I can tell it doesn't bust lines, pumps solenoids and other controls.
Water injection had been used on fighter aircraft which were flown under much more critical temperature and pressure differences, so it doesn't seem too unlikely to become manageable on a car or a truck. Remember it had alcohol added in order to prevent freezing, and most carburettor de-icing fluids used in aviation to this day are based on some alcohol too.
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