The primary problem is that people are being motivated to waste money to place their very flammable cheaply built McMansion in unlivable places.
If they want to builD fireproof homes with no insurance or cheap stuff built like a Native American in the 1500’s have at her, if not keep the f out.
Most of these places are in the middle of non-maintained federal lands that are meant to burn Every 10-30 years, if people want to live in a burn region they shouldn’t be able to have insurance and should be told point blank what sacrifices would need to be made to live in a burn zone. (Which likely isn’t compatible with a stick built composite tinder box)
The next crisis is that we are 70 years overdue for a “Valley” 100 year flood which will wipe out anything not 40 feet above the median level. Native Americans have provided what to watch for and how high to expect, experts have been watching but don’t think there will be enough warning to get people let alone livestock out of the area.
Last edited by rmay635703; 11-01-2020 at 02:04 PM..