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Old 11-13-2020, 11:29 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by aardvarcus View Post
Do you really believe what you stated in the video that aerodynamics works off the ratio of photographed dust in a wake balanced against a perpendicular vector of the rear angle?
I don't even know what "aerodynamics works off" means....

If it means "aerodynamic drag" then yes, a reduction in wake size (usually giving less drag) is one of the things that needs to be balanced in the rear extension design against the created lift-induced drag component (that gives more drag).

In the case of the photographed Roomster, too steep an extension angle (note: still with attached flow) gave higher measured drag, despite the smaller wake.

Incidentally, that Roomster example is in my aero book, and was specifically cited by three of the professional aerodynamicists who reviewed the book as a good example. In fact Dr Hucho liked the Roomster wake pics so much that he asked me for high res versions.