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Old 11-14-2020, 12:00 PM   #224 (permalink)
AKA - Jason
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Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
I would gladly pay more taxes if I knew it would result in better services.
But that is not the case. The more you pay more that gets wasted on free stuff for people who don't want to work, pointless layers of government bureaucracy and failed social programs. It seems as little money as possible is spent on stuff for the tax payer.
I would gladly pay 5 cents more a gallon for the DMV to not suck. The way the government works is they will take the 5 cents and make the DMV worse.
Your complaint and the perception that government is wasteful is why we don't have a simple tax structure with one pool of money that is divided up as needed like you claim you want. Instead we have this:

State Highway Fund
Oregon’s State Highway Fund collects resources from three main sources:
  • Taxes on motor fuels, including gas tax and diesel tax.
  • Taxes on heavy trucks, including the weight mile tax and truck registrations.
  • Driver and vehicle fees, including licenses and vehicle title and registration.

Under the Oregon Constitution, State Highway Fund fees and taxes must be spent on roads, including bikeways and walkways within the highway right of way. State funds can be used for both construction projects and the day-to-day maintenance and operations of the state’s roads.
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