Forever, since it's dated and not much in demand. Major components on these are dirt cheap on ebay...don't ask me how I know.
What would be the point of parting it out, for you, other than money? You'd be better off getting a second job. You'd make more in less time with less effort.
What do you want it for? To have the "hybrid" badge on you car? 40ish MPG is only like 5MPGs better than my Echo...some mild mods and I'd be there. No temperamental, aged hybrid system to throw money at. And a temperamental, first-gen CVT.
The latter of those two is what was wrong with the one I hummed and hawed over. The 40mpgs made it pointless, to me.
Hey, man, I get it. I have a...chubby...for anything super economical. This car is
almost that...but not quite.
Anyway, if you have the space, time, tools and at least moderate level of mechanical skill, and this is the right car for you, by all means, go for it...we'll support ya as best we long as our patience holds out...
OTOH, I personally don't want anything to do with trying to walk someone through playing with high-voltage, essentially unlimited current circuits...that stuff will snuff someone with half-assed skills and precautions out in a heart-beat. You'd have to convince me that's not you, first.
So...sell me on your reasons why you want it, and on your skill level...or ignore my recommendations/view and chase your dreams regardless. I'm good either way.