Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
So, is your car fitted with a manual or an automatic transmission? And how far would you keep comfortable to get rid of some original features or replacing components and sub-assemblies to get minor improvements to aerodynamics and weight reduction?
Sorry, long answer:
Its a manual. I intend on using it for trips I cant make on my bike due to distance, load/capacity, time constraints, or passenger needs. For me this means it must perform like the econo-commuter that it is. So unfortunately I wont be nearly as worried about weight as auxiliary/parasitic losses, and aerodynamics. I plan on dumping the power steering because it's completely unnecessary for this car, and supplementing/augmenting battery charging. I am also willing to consider (given time) replacing the stock shocks and springs with lighter and adjustable coil-overs, swapping for alloy wheels, and using lighter cv shafts. These and other modifications im okay with given they dont permanently augment the frame/shell and drivetrain, such that I could then take the car back to stock. Hopefully this helps provide insight if it doesn't directly answer your questions