Thread: A pillar guides
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Old 12-07-2020, 10:26 AM   #33 (permalink)
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And, I think, the person who was running BMW's M group?

The nearest I've seen to any discussion of this is a passage in Scibor-Rylski where the author argues that elevating headlamps and taillamps on fins or protuberances, by restricting lateral airflow increases mass flow rate over the center of the body and thus the velocity.

I went out to look at my Prius last night because I couldn't remember, but sure enough it does have the raised edge around the windshield too. The next calm day we get, it would be easy enough to tape some coroplast along there and raise the edge and measure pressures along the windshield and A-pillar with the fairing at various heights to see if there's any variation.
UIUC Aerospace Engineering
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