Thread: A pillar guides
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Old 12-07-2020, 03:35 PM   #35 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cd View Post
Vman, could you also tape some tufts around the area as well ?
No need to photograph or video the results.
I'm just curious about what direction the air will travel.

When I did my A pillar test, I just slapped it all together in less than three minutes - and it showed in the results, since the coroplast piece bowed.

My parents have a 2012 Fit with deep ( rain ? ) channels, and i tufted the area at the base of the windshied.
The air just skips right over the channel, and goes for the side window like it's not even there.

Edit : Hey thanks for the link to the HotRod Camaro article.
That would be the one I was refering to.

The template thread is closed, ( I guess people are stepping on toes again ) but I wanted to mention that despite being a "tiny " tunnel, not having a moving floor or moving wheels, the results are still good.
Car & Driver did a test in a tunnel just like this one and got accurate results.
Looking at the photos, it appears to be that they used the DARKO tunnel.
I get A2 and DARKO confused a lot from pictures.

If anything, the results were actually higher than the published factory figures.
( Which I would think to mean that .201 might be pretty accurate. )
But I am just guessing, and know nothing about any of this.

I'd like to think that it is that easy to modify an old 1979 Camaro to almost the same cD as an E-V1 with just a few minor modifications.
Imagine if they took it even further and had wheel skirts and such !
If the Camarao could achieve that Cd in any proper, full-size wind tunnel, I'll eat my hat. If it sounds too good to be true, it's because it is.

And in the Drag Queens article, note how they do not ever identify the wind tunnel - funny that. When I included that material in my book, I'd no idea the data was collected in a 'toy' wind tunnel.
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