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Old 12-14-2020, 09:18 PM   #8 (permalink)
Isaac Zachary
High Altitude Hybrid
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Originally Posted by ME_Andy View Post
Hello from Austin!

I wouldn't worry much about three years. My car has an oil life monitor and it's only down to 55% after 1.5 years. I've driven probably 5000 miles in that time, too.

Might want to think about selling the car, though. Doesn't sound like you really need it. I'm trying to talk my wife down to one car. :P
I see you have a Nissan Leaf. (?? ??)

When we had our Leaf I had the goal of selling all our other cars and just using the Leaf. At the time the amount of driving we'd do in an ICE car wasn't enough to make financial sense. Insurance, oil changes, etc would have been the same or more than just renting a car every so often.

Or just take the time to drive the Leaf from charging station to charging station. I actually liked driving the Leaf on long tripsm it was a lot less stress inducing. Well unless you reached a charging station that was out of service and didn't know if you had enough range to make it to the next one. Or when you planned to charge up next to a shopping mall so your wife could have something to do while the car charges only to find out the mall is closed.
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