Originally Posted by desgeegee
Yes it is and this is the data that gives me doubts. If you see the table, this error factor depends mostly by the difference between Vactual and Vmodel of 30 and 50 seconds.
30s: I've 107,6-107,4-109,1-103,2-104,2-106,4-108,2
Vmodel: 107,9 kph
I think that the only way to fix this "problem" is to collect more data and
do more test.
50s:Here there aren't some data due the traffic that forced me to brake..
What about to consider the mode and not the average(statistic mean(?))?
I need to do again this test in a major proper way of course
You will be wasting your time unless you do a basic test of a change that
does alter drag - eg windows up / windows down - and ensure you can measure it. Chasing imaginary changes is no fun.