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Old 09-27-2008, 04:26 PM   #110 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by whitevette View Post
Hmmm.... Two sentences...and you jump into the murky waters of politics! And, you close with another sentence on a critique of yourself.
Take John Wayne's advice..."Don't jump in until you know how deep the water is." (sic)
I must say I don't care one bit for politics / politicians. So, your harangue was wasted on me. Virtually all politicians are lawyers...what does this say about "the law"? I rest my case.
Point well taken.Family friend,U.S.Congressman from Texas,Graham Purcell.My dad grew up with him in Archer City,TX.Dad and I had dinner with the Grahams in there home in Alexandria,Va. after I got out of the service.------------ Graham,a trained attorney,said his aides would bring in legislation all the time,which ran into the thousands of pages.He couldn't make heads or tails of it,and relied on his staff for recommendations and interpretations before he was willing to put his Johnny Handcock on any of it.--------- What a mess!----------------- Also,he said that any bright,aspiring new Congressman,ready to set the world on fire upon arrival to Capitol Hill,would be assigned to committee after committee,with no time to even think about their constituents back home,and unless they woke up and smelled the coffee and learned to "play ball",their political career would be relegated to the backwaters of Washington,with no hope of advancement.------------------------------- So your right! Politics suck big-time! There's probably universal agreement on that one.But its what we have,short of anarchy.----------------And as a fan of John Wayne myself,I think his advice very sage.Since his life has had such a profound impact on so many Americans,and how they view their world,it may be the John Waynes of the world, who help deliver us out of some of this mess we're in.----------- Perhaps a Gene Hackman,who actually wore the uniform of the US,and distinguished himself in combat, might play a role in influencing how Americans feel about what they do everyday.Don't know. It would be one hell of an experiment though!
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