I can't believe I'm saying this (because it's EcoModder.com not TightwadDriver.com), but how much spare cash have you got and how much load-free driving do you do?
A 2010 Prius gets 51mpg according to the EPA. If you sell the Lexus and the Corolla you shouldn't be too far off buying one.
Your F250 probably gets 17mpg, or 5.88 g/100mi, at $2.44/gal that's $14.35/100mi
A Prius gets 51mpg, or 1.96g/100mi, at $2.05 for regular that's $4.02/100mi
At $10/100mi price difference that's 50,000 miles in total to pay for the entire cost of a 2010 Prius, and that's only considering fuel costs. The rest of the operating costs are so much smaller too
Originally Posted by Crazyrabbit
In God we trust. All others: bring data