Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
So it seems to justify. BTW what about the accessory drive? With the solar panels, an electrically-driven air conditioner seems to be a reasonable option too.
I get about 600Wh a day max, I still park in the shade where possible, because A/C is a far bigger draw than 12v. 600Wh would only run the A/C for 10-20 minutes a day. I'd love electric A/C, but I'll wait for the Cybertruck to offer that from the factory.
Originally Posted by serialk11r
If you have a consistent light source, this is a good modification particularly for cars that aren't daily driven. The alternator works pretty hard to charge a dead battery, since lead acid batteries are so inefficient, and alternators are also inefficient.
Yup, with a 1.6 in a two tonne van, I can tell my state of charge by the low end throttle response. It sometimes feels like someone's switched my 'Eco' mode off. It's just about worth doing this mod just for the extra low end torque.