Originally Posted by JulianEdgar
I can only assume that it is bad faith when you doggedly continue to spread misinformation, despite being corrected numerous times and given the references that would enable you to correct your misunderstandings.
Today's complete error in your description of how rear diffusers work (other thread) is a perfect example. We can all be certain that (1) you won't acknowledge your error, and (2) you won't consult the reference to correct your misunderstanding, and (3) you'll happily continue to spread that particular piece of misinformation. I'd call doing that: bad faith.
1) your assumption is incorrect.
2) no one has established the veracity of your claim of 'misinformation'
3) if you'll please publish, in your own tongue, a scientific rebuttal, which overturns the logic of my argument, you'll immediately have an apology, and a thanks for finally moving the ball down the court. I haven't been 'corrected' so far as I can discern.
4) none of your references possess such information.
5) a clarification between page - 186 of your book, and page-195 of your book would be a great contribution, as they contradict one another.