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Old 12-24-2020, 06:13 PM   #6 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by orange4boy View Post
Thinking about it some more and if I go back and look at most of the people who's work I admired and then met, it turns out they were mostly good to great people so maybe the saying should be "If you meet your heroes be ready for the unexpected" but that really does not roll off the tongue. LOL.
Reminds the day I met soccer coach Valdir Espinosa. I was walking in a park with my dog when I saw some banners with advertisements of the election for the presidency of Grêmio (the most traditional soccer team in my hometown), and coach Espinosa was there showing his support for one of the candidacies. Even though I am not an associate, and then not entitled to vote, he invited me to take a picture with him as he did with any other Grêmio supporter who went there.
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