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Old 01-22-2008, 07:49 AM   #2 (permalink)
Less IS more!
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: St-Ours
Posts: 61

Clementine - '82 Freeway HMV Deluxe
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Well, it's done ! Yep ! Done I tell you.

I bought just the two final gears from a 4 cylinder to install on Espresso Nero Ã* la metrompg.

I know that my tranny is in more than perfect condition and didn't want to take a chance with a second hand one.
All went well for the swap EXCEPT the ring gear is a little thicker on the 4 cyl. So I had to machine 94 thousandth of an inch.
I used a slow speed on a lathe and discovered that a ceramic insert is the best to cut off the heat treated material. Particularly at the edge, where the "teeth" are.
After installation of the completed tranny, I took Espresso Nero for a spin around my small city. Unfortunately, the asphalt in the rear country roads have a half covering of ice so I couldn't get up to 100 Km as I wanted to. nevertheless, 1-2-3 have NOT changed noticebly and have good guts for get up and go. At 55 miles an hour (80 km) read out exactly 2000 RPM.

Very happy indeed. Friday morning the XFi cam goes in. I'll keep you posted.
Less IS more !
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