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Old 12-27-2020, 02:51 PM   #14 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by rmay635703 View Post
People who do more than others and get noticed
so called “great men” need to have major flaws to get to where they are and accomplish what they do while making sure others notice. These men usually become the “old man screaming at cloud” as they fade into less importance.
It applies to anyone who got highlighted, then starts to be forgotten and sees the chance to throw random tantrums as a way to draw attention again. No wonder so many "prodigy children" become addicted to drugs once their 15 minutes of fame are gone.

A balanced “nice guy” finishes last.

It’s rare to find a mostly silent gentleman working hard behind the scenes like
John B. Goodenough and have him be raised into public awareness.

In truth we need more Goodenough and less drama
So-called "celebrities" forget they're exactly as "disposable" as anybody else once they can't entertain or perform other tasks which some of them seem to believe it's "too sub-standard" for them. People usually get too dazzled with a chance to have the feeling of power and entitlement, and freak out once it's gone.
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