I advised a coworker to sell his Bitcoin at $70 pointing to the fact that it's flawed and worthless. I just missed the prediction on when worthless would occur, and the intervening high worth.
My friend has 2.4 bitcoin from his setup of 10 GPUs x2. One is at his house, the other at his moms. It consumes the max power a 15 amp circuit can handle. Good thing he didn't listen to me tell him to sell at the last peak, maybe.
Anyhow, I like the process more than the prospect of riches. Wealth doesn't bring me joy, but I do want to have enough one day to comfortably say whatever is on my mind and not care how people take it; not to abuse people, but to be candid. That freedom will be worth more than Bitcoin in the future we're constructing.
Crazy to think a $500 investment back in the day could have you at $40M today. Maybe I should become an expert at combing the dumps for people who threw away computers containing their Bitcoin. Split the find 50/50.