Originally Posted by Stubby79
Supposedly, here, if you have receipts for all the work(or parts) you've done, they will reimburse you more. Considerably more, if you've put a lot in to it.
That's nice to know. I wonder if that works in the States. Or do I need to get ahold of Frank Azar?
Originally Posted by Ecky
A situation I hope to never be in.
I understand most Americans have less than $1000 to cover an emergency at any given time, but I'm personally uncomfortable if I don't have at least a year's living expenses in cash.
I try to keep three months worth. But that doesn't mean I want to save up, spend part on fixing up something of mine, have someone else wreck it or steal it, then spend the other part on fixing what they did to me especially when we're all paying mandatory insurance to supposedly cover all this.
And then there's the possibility of it happening soon afterwards too. Like when someone gets his or her $2,000 catalytic converter stolen then replaces it, then gets it stolen again.