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Old 01-12-2021, 04:15 AM   #19 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cd View Post
How much of the drag at the base of the windshied is caused by a sharp kink there ?
Does a Honda Fit or Prius have less drag at the windshield base because there is less of a kink ?

If I create a curved ramp at the base of the windshield, would that help ? ( One that actually touches the windshield and completely seals the kink )
I'm thinking of a sloped windshied wiper cover.

If it begins to rain, I can simply pull it off.
Since airflow is recovered a few inches further past the wipers, is it even worth it ?

I think this sort of question has been discussed a thousand times here, but can't recall what the answer was.
Another good question.

Look, I think that such an approach would reduce drag, but it would depend on so many factors. I haven't done any personal testing of this, and the tech stuff I've seen has been fairly generic in this area.

Can't do throttle stop testing?
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