Excellent video.
Thanks for covering the paper on trains.
When I added some vertical fins to the back of my box cavity, I intially thought of having them at a slant ( think SR-71 Blackbird ) for just this reason ( side wind drag )
They also present less side frontal area at a slant.
I had asked you before about this, but just to reiterate, how did you adress cross wind drag with your Insight fins ?
Also, what purpose do they serve ? I would guess for stability IN crosswinds ?
I added side skirts to my car, but was reluctant to do so due to the possibility of an increase in sidewind drag.
So in an ideal world, freight trucks would have rediused edges not only on the front behind the cab, but on the sides as well ?
Someday, I may take your advice and do a tuft test on a windy day with strong crosswinds. If and when I do so, I will compare the tufts on both sides of the car.
I'm interested to see the variations !