I just finished watching
Mars And Beyond With Dr. Robert Zubrin from 2018. Dr. Zubrin lays the blame on Richard M. Nixon. Said nations decided not to compete and join forces, and all the progress stopped. Said there could have been a generation born on Mars graduating high school.
(As if Mars will even have high schools)
Jupiter is interesting for the moons outside it's intense magnetosphere, but my desire would be
Like duct tape Iapetus has a light side and a dark side. Like a walnut it has an equatorial mountain range. It's orbit is tilted to provide the best view in the Solar System, of Saturn.
io9.gizmodo.com: How the solar system's strangest moon, Iapetus, lost its rings
Did I mention that instead of spherical it's faceted?
tywkiwdbi.blogspot.com: Iapetus, a fascinating moon of Saturn - updated