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Old 01-15-2021, 03:25 AM   #28 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Taylor95 View Post
It would be pretty difficult to test different angles, and probably not something I am going to do because this would require a lot of quality and work to do accurately. I am sure that there is a difference between a 10 degree slope and a 15 degree slope, but not enough to make testing worth it to me.

I will likely slope the spoiler by a conservative 10 degrees, and quantify the change through testing.
I'd never spend money on a spoiler without testing first. Just use plastic sheet and tape to make trial spoilers. Even without throttle stop testing, I could detect (through fuel mileage) changes in drag with different rear spoiler angles on the Roomster shown in the other thread.

(And testing is even more important if it's a lot of work to modify the existing spoiler.)

Last edited by JulianEdgar; 01-15-2021 at 03:34 AM..
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