Julian, I'm glad to read that !
I did the test yesterday, and plan to upload some quick video to Youtube later today or tomorrow.
As always seems to happen, the video that the chase car took is not very useful.
There was a lot of traffic, and they were not happy to have us there ( tailgating us the whole time, despite driving the speed limit )
I have some some still images from the test, but they aren't very useful either, since the tufts appear to be laying a certain direction in the still image, yet are in fact spinning like mad.
I added a quick makeshift VG to the A pillar, and see disturbance in the tufts all along the side of the car.
The tes also (thankfully) revealed that the area just behind the passenger side rear tire is flapping heavily.
I would have never know about it though, because the piece is still attached firmly, and goes back to its' forner shape once there us no wind load.
I plan to radius the edge today for my return drive.
The first image is with the NACA ducts open. The next image has them sealed.