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Old 01-18-2021, 03:14 AM   #50 (permalink)
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I've read that paper now. The most interesting thing is this:

The depth of an unventilated box cavity for lowest drag was 0.37 * D, where D was 'effective body diameter'.

If we take that as an average of height and width at (say) 1600mm, that would suggest a cavity depth of 600mm is best!

But, with the cavity ventilated (only on the sides and top), the equation drops to 0.27 * D, which would give a depth of 430mm.

Obviously, do your own calculation of 'D' for your car.

Note that the testing was done on only a scale model squareback 'shape', not a real car. On the shape, the best reduction in drag was up to 10 per cent - substantial.

For reference, the paper is: SAE 2012-01-0171, Bluff Body Drag Reduction with Ventilated Base Cavities

I don't know what the above depth was, but nowhere near the 560mm I calculate from the above equation (400mm with vents).

Last edited by JulianEdgar; 01-18-2021 at 03:19 AM..
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