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Old 01-29-2021, 12:37 AM   #17 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
Having more shorts than shares extant is the elephant in the room. It's like having more votes than voters.
While I'm not a fan of options and derivatives it absolutely makes sense that you can have more short positions than actual shares because they are based on borrowed shares.

When you short a shock you borrow the shares, sell them, with a contractual agreement to replace those shares within a specific time. However, the person you sold the shares to can also loan them to someone else, who loans them to someone else....

No different than me loaning Frank $10, Frank loans it to Jack, and Jack loans it to Sam. There are twice as money dollars loaned than actually exist.

Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
Guess who agrees? Elon Musk.
I've never heard Musk come out against people that take a long position in Tesla - just those that take the short position.
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