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Old 01-30-2021, 10:05 AM   #17 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by aerohead View Post
5) The fact is, that for half-bodies, the 'template' is the lowest drag form ever measured. If you take exception to that, I recommend that you take it up with those who measured it.
This is an odd statement to make. Scibor-Rylski developed a streamlined body with a contoured underside in the City University of London wind tunnel in the 1970s that came in at cD = 0.07 in ground proximity. It looks very different from the "template." Why shouldn't we all build to that form as a "first approximation"?

Originally Posted by aerohead View Post
10) Only until one has put an 800-hour project behind them, do they realize the benefit of a 'template', as a 'first approximation'.
I disagree. Testing should be the first attack, to find out what is actually going on. I could have spents hours building up the rear glass on my Prius to conform to the "template." It would have been a complete waste of time, since a simple tuft test showed it already had attached flow. So, why not use the 3rd generation Prius profile as a template?
UIUC Aerospace Engineering
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