Originally Posted by JSH
There are already signs that the Reddit group has picked new targets and moved on from GameStop. WallStreetBets is targeting silver today and pouring money into silver stocks.
I looked in on them. They're saying not to do what the news says they're saying to do.
Originally Posted by RedDevil
They'd go broke, but who covers them, e.g. who then pays for buying back the shares they shorted? The NYSE?
Because that's the party that will ultimately want to prevent this scenario.
Who covers them is whoever enabled the naked shorting. It isn't a few bad apples, there are a lot of people doing it, allowing it, paying the hedge funds to do it for them... Yes, the really big ones don't want to be on the hook for bad debts like this. But the answer is to crucify the ones corrupting the system- and that's the ones shorting, not the ones squeezing.