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Old 02-17-2021, 03:43 PM   #7 (permalink)
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From the people that recommend crying in our car to deal with the stresses of speech therapy! Newborn Hearing Screening May Indicate Autism

There is something seriously wrong with these people. Their title is a link that takes you to that exact same page.


While many kids show autistic tendencies at 2.5 years [or earlier], many aren't diagnosed for years, so if this works out, ideally we will have the hospitals following up in 30 months, asking for a checkup, and getting kids help earlier!

Back on topic, I have done speech therapy for 5-6 years, and have never felt the need to cry about anything.

What am I doing wrong?

Maybe it is like dating and there is definitely crying, just not me! Suddenly everything makes sense!

One of the kids that I have seen for over 2 years was absolutely bawling yesterday. Oh, is it hard to tell me where your nose is?!

I love the kids that make the session take forever because they keep complaining. Imagine how long this post would be if I complained instead of... where was I...

That is the American Speech[-Language]-Hearing Association, SLPs and Audiologists are supposed to be card-carrying members.

Nobody really cares about SLPAs.

They have a job search, but there are only 7 SLP postings for Arizona. I could probably find dozens on Indeed, but their cheapest package is $350 for 30 days!

Funny how that is easy to find, but their college search function isn't. I didn't remember which school in Utah was supposed to be the cheap one. ASHA shows 4, Utah State, Utah State [BA vs BS], Brigham Young, and University of Utah.

There are 3 in Arizona, UofA in Tucson, ASU in Tempe, and NAU in Flagstaff.

Weird. There was a private school!

It looks like they only have a graduate program. They require 3.0 cumulative, 3.0 in the major, and unspecified scores on the GRE.

Since everyone is dying to know, Idaho State has a BS and an Other program.

Apparently they require chemistry, which they don't offer on-line.

"You must take either Physics or Chemistry to fulfill ASHA requirements," but it also says "Most courses may be completed online at ISU," so hopefully the speech ones are.

The University of Idaho doesn't have anything.

I wanted NAU's summers-only program, but honestly being away from my family for 2 months might be too much.

Utah State:
The deadline was January 15th.
147 people applied last year.
They offered admission to people with GPAs between 3.4-4.
They offered spots to 53 (36%, higher than many programs).
Average GRE Score for Applicants Offered Admission:
Verbal reasoning: 157 (I scored 163 (93rd percentile))
Quantitative reasoning: 152 (I scored 157 (64th percentile)
Analytical writing: 4.5 (I scored 4.5 (81st percentile)
Somehow they only have 27 first-year students!

ASU received 319 applications, offered admission to 108 (39%), for 45 slots. The lowest GPA of an applicant they offered admission was 3.39, and the average GRE scores were a little lower.

Hopefully my above-average GRE scores help compensate for my dismal GPA.

One thing that makes me less nervous about many of these numbers is the difference between the number of offers and the number of seats. Someone pointed out that while ten times as many people apply for a program as get seats, most people apply to multiple schools.

In that video I submitted I needed to talk about the greatest challenge that I have overcome. Honestly, it was the death of my father, but instead of saying much about that, I said that sooner or later everyone needs to deal with it.

I don't know what the other applicants said, but since many are 22, I honestly want to know what they said.

I mentioned driving a fuel truck in Afghanistan. That was stressful!

I said that several hundred thousand Americans have done the same thing, and sadly, there have been wars for all of human history.

So, I talked about something unique to me, a time that I was scared to death, but fulfilled my responsibility anyway.

Too bad I couldn't figure out how to turn two sentences into a page. My video should have gotten their attention.
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4
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