Originally Posted by JacobLeSann
I’ll do just that. Side fences aren’t worth it?
For low angles they aren't essential, if the angle is very steep, side fences are more useful. If the angle is shallow then side fences aren't essential, but may have some limited benefit, this video from a former contributor to this site may be of use.
In very simplistic and generalised terms, there are two types of diffusers, low angle (0-12 degrees) and high angle (20-30 degrees), low angle has attached flow all along it and high angle which has vortices and separated flow which the fences and strakes help to control. Low angle is best for economy, high angle is best for downforce.
That is a generalisation though and exact angles, ground clearance, interference from tyres/suspension/exhaust may change some things. Anyone who tells you there is a generic optimum angle or formula is lying, the actual optimum for your car depends on so many things and may also be completely impractical to build or drive.