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Old 02-22-2021, 11:42 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Red 2000 Insight (2017 through 2019) - '00 Honda Insight 5MT
90 day: 64.72 mpg (US)

Red 2000 Lithium Insight (2020) - '00 Honda Insight LTO
90 day: 71.76 mpg (US)
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Question Insight Regen Braking vs Coast

2000 Honda Insight 5MT. I've got the auto-stop switch so I can EOC whenever.

Let's say I have a long coast to a light, a quarter mile or more.
Let's say there's no one in front of me and I'm in EOC going 40 mph or so.

I can do one of two things:
1 -- Coast until braking is needed and then apply brakes and stop the car.
2 -- Blip the throttle and shift into gear (this restarts the ICE) and then let go of the gas so the car regeneratively brakes. In this situation I usually get less than 10 seconds of regen. Depending on the situation and is there a grade or not I might get 15 to 20 amps of regen for those 5 to 10 seconds.

The Insight restarts the ICE with the IMA motor, but I HAVE to hit the gas pedal as well or else I'll wreck my transmission. I usually choose third gear. I might need to get up to 3000 RPM or so to match the engine so I can safely release the clutch.

So here's my question:
During that rev-up of the engine am I using more gasoline energy than I am going to get back by regenerating while coming to a stop?

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