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Old 02-26-2021, 12:08 AM   #26 (permalink)
The Toecutter
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Rebellion - '16 KMX Framekit Custom electric velomobile
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Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
To achieve your goals will likely require component designs optimize by adversarial generative
AI and 3D printed parts with gradient gyroid infill.
Maybe. But consider that there are light duty motorcycles of ~130 lbs made to handle 60+ mph, made without that tech, such as the Mountain Moto FX5, and they have heavy IC engines and 4-speed transmissions and exhaust systems and fuel tanks to be removed from them. And they have large 19" motorcycle wheels. And they're built for the rigours of offroad riding, and not smooth pavement.

There are hobbyists who have modified velomobiles to handle 45 mph cruising speeds and get 200 miles range at said cruising speed while keeping the entire package under 100 lbs. It's not inconceivable to trade some battery weight for more robust mechanicals/chassis to handle higher speeds.

And even if it goes 10-20 lbs over the 100 lb weight limit, it's not exactly a deal breaker either, as it will still be of a pedalable weight, if only barely so, especially considering it would primarily be intended to operate with electric assist.
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