Yea don't really know the story on the transfer case, being painted like that suggests it was either rebuilt, or atleast a used replacement. Seeing how the rest of the truck is, wouldn't surprise me if it was rebuilt and the fluid never got replaced. He did say the fluid appeared to be correct
Not sure what coolant type is in it, was planning to flush the system and get it up to par in the spring/summer time. My dad said it's leaking at the point on the water pump housing gasket, not the bearings, but he couldn't get a mirror in there to make 100% sure the bearing seal wasn't leaking.
All of this almost makes me want to switch back to a Toyota truck lol, they require such little work to keep going. My T100 effectively was a parts truck that I just fixed it enough to get it on the road and started driving it. I didn't even change the oil till later.
Anyway, eventually I'll have all the bugs worked out of this Ford, or atleast good enough to get some miles on it. If the leak isn't bad, I'll just drive it till spring/summer and keep an eye on the coolant level.
The engine oil came out good, it was low, about 10qt came out, and change capacity is 14. I guess the little bit down on the dip stick is actually a lot of oil. I don't remember what the reading was at, but on a normal engine it I think it was like 1/2 qt low area (mid cross hash area). The EBPV leaks oil out the shaft so I'm guessing that's where most of the oil is going. Sounds like the best fix is to buy another turbo pedestal that doesn't have the EBPV and the o ring kit to replace the seals. People online say it's about a 6hr job, so might be another task that gets pushed off till spring/summer.