Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
Now that even the upper-middle class in my country is resorting to cars that fall under the "popular" category with 61cu.in. engines for lower taxation, it makes me consider a small-displacement motorcycle with either a sidecar or a tricycle conversion as a reasonable option. I did the math, and this approach can cover easily 99.9% of what I would do with a random econobox.
You could buy a KMX framekit, put adam333's from Endless Sphere's front and rear suspension kits on it, and build a velomobile out of it. Using a small 49cc gasoline engine, you'd probably get around 500-1,000 mpg depending on how much drag the shell has, and top speed would be dependent upon gearing(albeit, you probably wouldn't want to cruise at more than 40 mph in it). You'd only need a 1/2 gallon fuel tank. Total cost would be around $3,500 in parts if you get everything new AND include a bicycle drivetrain with hydraulic brakes, and significantly cheaper without the bicycle drivetrain.
If you have the know-how, workspace, time, and tools you could even build your own frame design for significantly cheaper.
A vehicle with the form factor, drag, and weight of a velomobile, even if there is no bicycle drivetrain, is the key to the cheapest possible operating cost. Less loading not only means less energy consumption, but also less wear and tear on parts.