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Old 02-28-2021, 10:35 PM   #28 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by The Toecutter View Post
You could buy a KMX framekit, put adam333's from Endless Sphere's front and rear suspension kits on it, and build a velomobile out of it.
Wouldn't be so easy to import those to my country.

Using a small 49cc gasoline engine, you'd probably get around 500-1,000 mpg depending on how much drag the shell has, and top speed would be dependent upon gearing(albeit, you probably wouldn't want to cruise at more than 40 mph in it).
If I were going to build a velomobile as you suggest, I would consider a 125cc Cub-type Honda engine, attempting to make it also roadworthy. Well, even though a 150cc motorcycle with a sidecar won't pull like a 14 with a Playboy, it could still cruise legally in my country and some neighboring ones such as Uruguay or Argentina.
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