Thread: Duct Duct Go
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Old 03-15-2021, 10:43 AM   #19 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by kach22i View Post
An old thread in Pelican Parts explored this, everyone agreed that with the exhaust pipes under the car pre-heating the cooling air this would be a bad idea.

One would have to flip the engine upside down to get around this I suppose.

Also the design of the fan cooling shroud is very specific and directional, another complete redesign there.
I have seen exhaust systems on sand buggies that wander all over the engine in an effort to get equal length runners. Bugger to replace injectors and plugs, BUT...... ducting does not have to contend with hot air if the inlet is in front of the heat source. Or even a teepee style sand exhaust that would dump exhaust heat into the total exhaust
Backwards rotation cam and the fan now pulls air out of the engine, need to flip the ring gear in the trannie like a reduction bussie, and I do like the squirrel cage idea. I think I get 750 cfm on 1/2 hp squirrel cage fan in my house heater, maybe not. Or you can reverse rotation with a different fan belt scheme, like the serpentines on current cars runs the cooling fan "backwards". Worse case make a backwards fan since they are a brazed assembly.

I think it's doable, not sure it would be worth the effort. Freebeard: have you installed your aero software on your new computer to test your hoop concept?
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