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Old 03-23-2021, 02:02 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard View Post
Julian, your cooling numbers don't wash. A modern EV wastes only 7-15% of the energy taken onboard, and a lot of that is during charging i.e. when sitting still. There is cooling for A/C, of course, but ICE cars have that, too.

Typical ICE cars waste about 75% of the energy taken onboard, so they have to shed a lot more energy as heat than they use to move the vehicle.

In addition, a typical EV only has the equivalent of about 1-2 gallons of gasoline onboard. So, it is impossible for an electric car to shed anywhere near as much heat as an internal combustion car.
I didn't say that a battery electric vehicle needs to dissipate as much heat as a internal combustion engine car.

I said that the proportional drag of the cooling system appears to be at least as high, if not higher, in battery electric cars as it is with internal combustion engine cars.

Happy for someone to check my figures:

Tesla Model S -

Palin, R., Johnston, V., Johnson, S., D'Hooge, A. et al., The Aerodynamic Development of the Tesla Model S - Part 1: Overview, SAE Technical Paper 2012-01-0177, 2012

Porsche Taycan -

Hinterbuchinger, M., Aerodynamics, electrified - Porsche Taycan Turbo, 12th FKFS conference, 2019
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