Originally Posted by freebeard
You do know about Scott Adams' process-over-product? What Arcimoto have is Mark Frohnmayer, Sandy Munro and Galileo Russell, plus a Federal tailwind.
I'm not up to speed on Mark, but a process that makes hundreds of vehicles in a year doesn't sound like a good one. I enjoy Sandy's perspective on things, but the value of his company is in his employees (and process), not on his own insight so much. Federal tailwinds are temporary, and at best can only distort a market for so long until reality exerts her will.
Originally Posted by freebeard
I was telling the peeps at Arcimoto I'd be buying their stock if I could walk in and throw down cash in their office. When it was at $.97/share.
Apparently you can't do that.
Buying stock after IPO doesn't directly affect the company itself. Pushing the stock price up isn't going to build more cars, or add any funds to do so. It's a shell game post-IPO.