Originally Posted by Xist
I am sorry, this seems like the perfect storm of bad people and people doing their job badly.
The police never tried to find the people who stole and damaged the car?
Can you file a complaint against the police for not responding to your calls or informing you they found it?
Needing to pay almost $500 to get the car for which you submitted a report is unthinkable.
How did everything sort out?
The police never made any effort to find the people.
They were kids, and left an Anime hat in the car.
Also, there were several spray cans, and a bucket in the car that would have been perfect for getting fingerprints.
I asked the officer if I should save the evidence for fingerprints, and was told that there was no need to, since once the car is moved ( the guys that towed the car ) the evidence is no longer good.
( Yes, he actually said that. )
I think he is just too busy to bother with something as trivial as these kids destroying an old junk car.
- I get that.
But they made no effort to help me get the impound fee back.
That is what makes all of this like getting robbed twice.
As far as filing a report, the police followed standard procedure.
They have a contract with the tow company.
I was told that it is not unusual for them to haul off a car if someone in a neighborhood calls it in, and do so without informing the police.
Apparently, the tow company does not have to notify you immediately, but with 24 hours.
They send out a paper letter.
( How many of you check your ( paper ) mail daily ? )
I only found out the car was there by calling 311 myself.
I contacted them that day, but the car had been there a day already - and acruded a charge.
I'm wondering if that paper letter would have even been sent had I not gone there myself.
I asked why they did not call the police if they could clearly see that the car was hotwired and stolen.
I again got a reply to the effect that they weren't required to unless there was blood in the car.
The last word I had with the officer, he agreed to ask the tow company if I could be reimbursed for the impound fee.
He never called back.
At this point, I have just given up.