The M1083 Medium Tactical Vehicle (5-ton) also has sides that fold down:
I just wish that someone told me that the black box between the driver and the truck commander was to adjust the air pressure in the tires before I deployed.
I nearly got stuck multiple times during the one mission where bad guys fired at trucks in our convoy!
I also wish that I knew that the big black button between the cabin and the snorkel primed the fuel pump. Nobody knew that when one of our trucks ran out of fuel. We put in 10-15 gallons, but it wouldn't start.
Just prime the pump!
The M977 HEMTT (Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck) also has a big black button behind the driver's side of the cabin. We knew that it dumped the air pressure in the suspension, but when some cook drove my truck on a mission and the dash said "low suspension air pressure" as we rolled out the motor pool we should have stopped, hit the button, allowed the truck to repressurize, and we would have had a tolerable drive!
Instead we were shaken excruciatingly to Frontenac and back.
Suspension is important!