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Old 04-09-2021, 09:01 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Help mateing a US Gear Overdrive

I am still working on joining my 4L80E to my US Gear Dual Range over drive.

It seems there is no reasonable way to do it.

First I have tried locating companies that can/will CUT splines…the costs are more than the two transmissions together.

So my best idea is to locate a certain Ford C6 4X4 OEM 15.5 31 Spline output shaft, then machine it so that is can be fitted tightly into a TH400/4L80 slip sleeve and two pins drilled and pressure fitted though the combination.

Or this one could also work: FORD C6 Automatic Transmission Output Shaft. 2 Wheel Drive 31-26 SPLINE

I want this one shaft as it is wider than the splines a short way back and should be possible to either machine or grind it down as they do crank shafts to size.

The best of all worlds would to find a shop that can cut a 400’s 32 splines into it, but it would take a mill and indexer and a good workman, and again the costs seem to be way too high.

Funny as there are a bunch of DYIs videos on Utube…

So I am looking for this shaft, and I can use a damaged one as long as the main 50% of it is good.


Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	C6 4X4 OEM 15.5 31 Spline RAC.jpg
Views:	14
Size:	25.6 KB
ID:	30404  
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