Originally Posted by Piotrsko
Btw: if the owner truly GROKKED the vehicle, it could be modified for better performance, or worst case remove the sign.
Decades back I had a fleet of various trucks in a very niche service industry. I tried to take care of them, chrome bumpers. polished alum wheels, fresh Imron paint jobs, etc. One of my numb-nuts workers screwed up the rollup back door on one of the trucks, and in a picque of anger loss of self control, I spray painted a rather vitriolic message on the subject boldly on the door before it went to the shop for repairs.
Before it went in for repairs, I was driving the truck locally when I got forwarded to my cell phone a call from a concerned unknown fellow driver, wanting to inform the office some one had graffiti-ed one of our truck's back doors. I listened respectfully, and informed him, yes, I know, I own the truck, I am one who did it, and I am the driving the truck.
He promptly hung up.