Until just last week, I was seriously thinking of buying a used first gen Cheby Volt.
I passed one up for just over $6,000, and it was loaded with options.
This is what I had planned for the car.
The boattail would be made of thick plastic sheet I get from work. ( reused trash )
The inner structure would have been done much like the Insight boattail Metro had done using ribbing.
I also would incorporate his exposed tailight design.
The sheet plastic would have been bonded using epoxy, and would have had a clean fit and finish, with no exposed bolts, rivets, or other protrusions.
The Volts I have seen for sale are all in great shape, so this would have been a professional looking effort.
The plan was to attach the boattail for long trips, and drive around town with the tail off.
Attach points would be from the removal of the stock spoiler.
I didn't plan to go all out Bassjuicing it to the extreme with wheel covers, but I did a mockup anyway.
The Volt has a very flush wheel to body transition, so I'm not sure the front wheel covers would be worth it on this car.