Originally Posted by redpoint5
Except prime tires don't puke up their tread when they overheat...
They still come apart - just in smaller pieces.
Originally Posted by redpoint5
Seems dangerous and common enough that retreads come apart that there should be pressure and temperature monitoring on them. Makes no sense to have pressure monitoring on passenger cars because they only have 4 wheels, and it's plainly obvious when the tires are dangerously low due to handling differences.
The EU agrees with you. TPMS will be mandatory for commercial vehicles in 2022.
There is nothing on the horizon here in the USA but TPMS systems are a pretty common option for large fleets. Tires are expensive - TPMS is cheap. Even aftermarket TPMS is only about $1000. Having a service truck come out to change a one tire on the side of the road can cost that much.
ATIS is also popular (Automatic Tire Inflation System). ATIS has the advantage because slow leaks are continually topped off by the truck's air system so you have longer to make it to a service center for the tire to be fixed.