Originally Posted by JSH
ATIS is also popular (Automatic Tire Inflation System). ATIS has the advantage because slow leaks are continually topped off by the truck's air system so you have longer to make it to a service center for the tire to be fixed.
Hey guys! Have I ever told you about the M1083?! It has something like that!
Remember my thread about how long it would take to replace my heater core? I mentioned it should have been called "How long will it take me to start?"
I completed it, but needed to redo it, and I don't even know how long it has been.
I keep working on other projects.
Until I got a girlfriend in the Phoenix area I bought gas every two months. My MPG is lower than ever (barely above the EPA estimate for mixed driving), but I have never spent less!
The guy who sold me the Civic bragged that he got 13 MPG. So, there are those idiots, but humans can become accustomed to almost anything, including paying far too much gas money.
Metro, you aren't offended that RedPoint protests dependence on Canadian oil?
I hear that he has a vendetta against maple syrup, too!
Oh yeah...
Originally Posted by freebeard
The point?