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Old 01-22-2008, 06:24 PM   #6 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: SF Bay Area
Posts: 150

Silver Bullet - '02 VW Golf TDi
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Thanked 16 Times in 11 Posts
Toyota...Honda...BMW...Subaru all have terrific diesels that they sell in other countries, but which they do not offer in the US. I think that's a shame, but I'm glad to see Subaru joining VW and MB.

You read it over and over from us TDi nuts...load the car to the gunwales with people and luggage...blast up the freeway at 70 mph with the a/c on full tilt boogie gettin' 50 mpg. I mean geez, how much easier does doubling you mpg get?

Oh yeah...Ford and GM's European subsidiaries both offer PDG diesels over there, too. But do you think they'd sell them here? Nooooo, don't want to rock the boat.

Speaking of Ford, do you guys remember a few years ago when Ford came close to signing a follow-on deal with International to replace the 7.3 PSD? Well, the engine under consideration was totally modular, meaning it could be built in V-6 thru V-10 versions. If they hadn't all started pointing fingers and blaming each other instead of working together to address the issues, Ford would have had a nice little V-6 diesel to put in everything from mid-size cars to light pickups.

That would have been cool!
Best tank ever: 72.1 mpg in February 2005, Seattle to S.F.
New personnal best 'all-city' tank June '08 ... 61.9 mpg!
Thanks to 'pulse-n-glide' technique.
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